SK's Side of the Story
11:00 AM

Jeff and I met in September of 2014. My sister Jessica was currently dating (and is now married) to Cameron. One day I decided to go with Jessica to Cameron's apartment to hang out. When I went over there, I met Jeff, the best friend/roommate. Jessica and Cameron both knew Jeff from their freshman year of college and were good friends. When I first met Jeff during that first week of school, I thought he was a nice guy, but I wasn't wanting to date him. I would go over often, and we would hang out, but solely as friends.
Then one day in the beginning of January, we decided to go to Costco together. Spending this time with him one-on-one made me realize that he was a total catch. He was attractive, he was funny, he was a gentleman, but he was interested in another girl (or so I thought). While driving to Costco he discussed how he was pursuing another girl in his ward. So I tried to shove my sparked feelings away. But they wouldn't go away! January came and Jess and Cam got engaged. I was asked to be the maid of honor, and Jeff was asked to be the best man. Naturally, this meant we were going to spend a bit of time together planning things for the event. So for about a month we were way flirty, and eventually Jeff made the moves!
February came and he finally asked me out on a date. For Valentine's day, he was a total sweetheart and brought me flowers for Valentine's Day. I was FREAKING OUT! With a couple dates in between, we went on a snowboarding date later that month and he called me his girlfriend, and I got so freaked out and said something along the lines of I move slow, I'm not ready for that, blah blah. But I quickly realized that I was totally ready for it. We began going on dates every week, hanging out several times during the week, and became un-separable.
In April, I fell in love with him. It was as simple as that - I was head over heals in love and wanted to be with him for as long as he would have me. But I had to wait a few months for him to finally tell me he loved me so I could let him know I felt the same way.
Over the summer we had to handle long distance. I was in California working and he was in Utah, working and recovering from a major jaw surgery. But the distance made it ever so clear that he was the one I wanted to be with.
December 4, 2015 he proposed. If you want to read how that happened, you can read all about it here.
We will be getting married April 23, 2016 in Newport Beach, California (which we are very excited for and wish it was April already!). And now that it is March, I can officially say we are getting married NEXT MONTH!
I can't wait to spend the rest of forever with this incredible man.

love, SK