"It's Okay to be You"

1:07 PM

In the LDS church we have something called Relief Society, that is basically what we call the group of adult women. During the 3rd hour of our weekly church meeting on Sunday, the Relief Society meets to discuss gospel principles, our life, and my personal favorite, be a support system for the other women there with us. In my opinion, the Relief Society is just that, a society that provides relief for one another, and I love it and I love the women in it.

Anyways, in Relief Society this week the incredible woman, Kenzi, who was teaching the lesson stood up and after a few sentences, said "It's Okay to be You", and I knew right away that this lesson was going to hit close to home.

Women struggle, a lot. We compare ourselves to what we see on the internet, to the other women around us, our friends, and we hold ourselves to a really high standard that sometimes makes us feel like we aren't good enough. And like Kenzi said, it is something that we women need to hear.

Women, social media can destroy someone. It can destroy you if you let it. Those other moms or wives don't post a picture of themselves with their hair in a bun, wearing sweatpants, no makeup, with baby spit-up spilled all the way down their 10-year-old t-shirt. Instead, they will climb into bed and post a picture on Instagram of themselves during those 30 seconds 2 weeks ago that they looked great and had their life together. But we see those pictures and compare our messy lives to what appears to be their perfect life. However, I'm willing to put money on the fact that you could go knock on their door and their baby would be screaming, the dishes wouldn't be done, and they probably haven't showered for the day. Their lives aren't perfect, and if we sit and believe that it is, we will never be okay with ourselves.

Sometimes, we are in those shoes. I have so been there. A day goes terribly wrong, so I post a picture from my wedding on Instagram, or write a fun blog post to make people thing that I've got it all together. But you can believe that I ate 4 bowls of ice cream that day and watched one too many episodes on Netflix (I've included a picture below to prove that this is real, and me and Madison and I do this all the time). My day wasn't perfect, and neither was yours, and that's okay.
We don't need to have our crap together every single day. We don't even need to have it all together one day. But try something - in the morning when you wake up, give yourself one thing that you want to do. It could be showering, it could be making the bed, it could be cleaning the dishes, whatever you want. And when you have completed that one thing, be happy. You can go to bed that night knowing that you completed your one task, and you can be so proud of yourself, and okay to be you. 

I smile when I see other women in the grocery store that are in sweats, because it reminds me that I'm not the only one struggling to get things done every day. I mean lets be honest, if I had time to go to the grocery store, I didn't have time to get dressed that morning, haha! You can't have it all!

I've probably said enough for one post, but women I plead with you, stop thinking that you aren't good enough. You are great, you are irreplaceable, and you are you. You is absolutely outstanding, no matter how much makeup you put on or if top ramen is for dinner tonight. You are loved, just the same. 

It's okay to be you.


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