"I've Got Some Paint In My Eye"

10:54 AM

Paint Twister! Never a bad idea! Well maybe it was a little cold this time around, but it was so completely worth it!

If you don't know what paint twister is, think of the normal game twister with the white mat and dots and you have to put body parts on the dots. Now replace those dots with paint of the same color. And the remaining rules for twister stay the same. Except we added to the body parts and included our noses, foreheads, elbows, and knees. 

Lets just say that it was a good get to know you game for the people who didn't know each other!

Top Row: Stephen, Sarah, Josh, Jason, Madison
Bottom Row: Hannah, Taylor, Alexandra, Tasia, Kai
Taylor was our winner! She was quite proud of herself!

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